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AJA Video

Since 1993, AJA Video has been a leading manufacturer of video interface technologies, converters, digital video recording solutions and professional cameras, bringing high-quality, cost-effective products to the professional broadcast, video, post production and ProAV markets. AJA products are designed and manufactured in Grass Valley, California.

Model: KONA IP25

KONA IP25 delivers the power, quality, reliability, and ease of use of the KONA family to support your transitions from SDI to SMPTE ST 2110 workflows.
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AJA UDC Up/Down/Cross Mini-Converter
Posted on Thursday, December 21, 2023
Join AJA Support Specialist Logan Brunkhorst as he walks you through the connectivity options on the AJA UDC Mini-Converter. The UDC is a broadcast quality Up/Down/Cross Mini-Converter which can convert between 3G, HD, and SD video formats, with a built-in frame synchronizer, in an efficient and compact form factor, perfect for enabling in-line video frame rate raster size conversions.