Kortrijk, Belgium, 8 October 2015 – Barco NV (ISIN
BE0003790079) confirms its eligibility for the French PEA- PME share
savings plan.
As a Belgian company with consolidated revenue of 1.051 billion
euros, a group headcount of 3,300 and total balance sheet assets of
1.075 billion euros in 2014, Barco NV meets the eligibility criteria
defined by the French implementing decree of 4 March 2014.
Companies with less than 5,000
employees and either revenues of less than €1.5 billion or a balance
sheet total of less than €2 billion are eligible for the scheme.
Accordingly, shares of Barco may thus be incorporated into PEA-PME
accounts, dedicated to financing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
(SME) and Mid-Sized Companies (ETI), which may benefit from the same tax
benefits as the traditional Equity Saving Plan (PEA).
For more information on PEA-PME scheme, please consult the PEA-PME fact sheet at https://www.euronext.com/sites/europeanequities.nyx.com/files/factsheet_pea-pme.pdf
This information will be posted on www.barco.com/investors