Nov. 18, 2020 - As the new semester is underway, we asked three US higher education institutions to talk about the choices they made and how they are currently using hybrid and remote learning on a daily basis. Join Julie Shackleton of UC Berkeley Executive Education, Raymond G. Pryor of King's College Pennsylvania and Lance Beaumont of California Baptist University for a frank and lively overview of how higher education is finding new paths to engagement and online teaching!
Different parameters, the same needs
The adoption rates seen by Julie Shackleton surprised her. "We were thinking, ‘Oh God, we're going to have empty rooms', but capacity was an issue almost immediately."
Making a business case for weConnect
The principles of hybrid and online learning are largely understood by now. But it is obviously important to ensure that the figures add up for everyone. Julie Shackleton noted that when they started studying the financial side of adopting weConnect, they rapidly decided to quadruple the number of units they would use.
The speed of getting up and running was also an important point for Lance Beaumont. As institutions – and indeed learners – adapt to a fast-moving environment, this can play an important role in maintaining high levels of tuition.
At King's College, they were concerned that the learners would have to upgrade their devices until Ray Pryor bought a $38 table from Toys R Us that connected seamlessly to weConnect. This also favors broad acceptance on the part of users.
Watch the webinar now
If you want to know how weConnect is adapting itself to three very different situations, check the highlights below (9'30") or watch the full discussion here.
A big thanks to our panel: